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The Dog Hub. Dog training in the London Borough of Camden.

Over the past 10 years we have been inviting canine professionals and dog lovers to join The DOG HUB ONCE A YEAR Scheme.

For newcomers to the idea, what we are asking for is that just once a year, people offer their services (or goods) to The Dog Hub free of charge.

If you are a vet, trainer, behaviourist, groomer, dog accessories supplier, dog-sitter, dog-walker, dog lover etc, you may be able to help us. A qualified behaviourist may, for example, do a one-off assessment in a complicated case where we believe an external consultant's expertise is required. A trainer might offer a free one-to-one for a dog owner in their local area. Or a vet may offer a one-off examination for a minor ailment, free micro-chipping or flea/worming treatment. 

Offers of support under this Scheme will only be called upon when there is a genuine need, and all contact with donors will be through The DOG HUB administrators.

Recent donations include: 

- collars, leashes, muzzles, beds and blankets

- puppy and dog food

- advice from a veterinary nurse

- home visit by a vet to vulnerable person and their dog

- a grooming session

- transport to and from a local vet

- a sponsored one-to-one dog training session

- a sponsored course of six puppy lessons

- three good-as-new crates

- a travel crate

- a playpen 

- five baby-gates

For more ambitious projects (ie a vehicle to meet our transportation needs) we are looking for help on how to approach local companies to support us through match-funding. If fund raising is your area of expertise, you could perhaps help us with this?


Serving the community since 2008



Canine Behaviour Consultant & Master Professional Dog Training Instructor           07875 778 785 and 07435 158 651

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