Here are some dog training book and DVD titles. Many of them are suited to dog owners and others to trainers: some cover basic core dog training skills and others are devoted to problem solving.
If you are not sure which book(s) or DVD is best to help you train your dog, send us an e-mail or text saying what you want to read about, and we'll try and recommend the ones we think are most suitable.
SHOJAI, Amy D. (2005) PETiQuette: Solving Behaviour Problems in Your Multi-Pet Household. M. Evans and Co Inc, NY, USA.
MOELLER, Kim. (2010) Reactive Rover. Barking and Lunging on Leash. Tawzer Dog Videos. www.tawzerdog.com 3 x DVDs
PARSONS, E and ROBITAILLE, J. (2011) TACT. A Training Program for Dogs that Are Fearful or Reactive Toward People. Clean Run Productions, USA. www.cleanrun.com 5 x DVDs and 1 x companion PDF workbook.
MOELLER, K and BOUTELLE, V. (2011) Master the Growlies. Successful training and business practices for dog-dog aggression cases. Available from www.tawzerdog.com . 5 x DVDs and 1 x CD.
ANDERSON, Teoti (2004) The SUPER simple guide to HOUSETRAINING. TFH Publications, USA.
SUNDANCE, K. (2009) The Dog Tricks and Training Workbook. (With DVD and trick cards). Quarry Books, USA.
STAFFORD, Grey (2007) Zoomility: Keeper Tales of Training with Positive Reinforcement. iReinforce Books, USA.
STEWART, Grisha (2011) Give Your Puppy a Choice: Modern Socialisation and Behavior Training. DVD, 1 hour 45 minutes. Tawzer Dog, USA.
KEY, David (2008) Kennel Design: The Essential Guide to Creating Your Perfect Kennels. Kay and David Key, Oxfordshire, UK.
FRANKLIN, Jon (2009) The Wolf in the Parlor. How the dog came to share your brain. St Martin's Press, USA.
DODDS, Dr. J. (2011) The Canine Thyroid Epidemic: answers you need for your dog. Dogwise Publishing, USA. Also available as e-book download from www.dogwise.com .
WILKES, Gary. (1994) A Behavior Sampler. Sunshine Books, USA. (Some secondhand copies still available - try www.amazon.co.uk )
GARRETT, Susan. CRATE GAMES for self-control and motivation.
DVD 85 minutes. Available from www.positiveanimalsolutions.co.uk .
YIN, Sophia. (2009) Low Stress Handling, Restraint and Behaviour Modification of Dogs and Cats. Includes DVD. Cattledog Publishing, USA. Available from www.dogwise.com . Cost: £110 including postage but beware of possible UK customs import duty.
O'HEARE, James. (2009) Separation Distress and Dogs. A Comprehensive Positive Reinforcement Based Workbook for Separation Distress Behaviors and Your Dog. BehaveTech Publishing, Canada.
LONDON, Karen B., & McCONNELL, Patricia B. (2001) Feeling Outnumbered? How to Manage and Enjoy Your Multi-Dog Household. Dog's Best Friend Ltd., USA.
O'HEARE, James (2010) Changing Problem Behaviour: A systematic and comprehensive approach to behaviour change project management. BehaveTech Publishing, Canada. Also available as e-book from www.dogwise.com .
ELLIOTT, Rachel Page (2009) Dogsteps: A New Look. A better understanding of dog gait through cineradiography - "moving x-rays". Doral Publishing, USA. DVD also available.
O'HEARE, James. (2011) Empowerment Training: Training for Creativity, Persistence, Industriousness, Resilience & Behavioral Well-Being. BehaveTech Publishing, Canada.
RAMIREZ, Ken (1999) Animal Training: Successful Animal Management through Positive Reinforcement. Shedd Publishing, USA. Copies of this book are quite difficult to get hold of. If you import from the USA ($80+/-) beware the shipping charges because it is large and heavy. But well worth every penny!
McGREEVY, Paul (2010) A Modern Dog's Life. How to Do the Best for Your Dog. The Experiment Publishing LLC, New York.
WILDE, Nicole (2004) One on One. A Dog Trainer's Guide to Private Lessons. Phantom Publishing, USA. Also available as e-book from www.phantompub.com .
SIDMAN, Murray (1989) Coercion and its Fallout. Author's Cooperative Inc, USA. (This is an expensive book - on Amazon for a new copy £194.76. Consider importing from Cambridge Center for Behavioural Studies, USA www.behaviour.org $24.95 plus $37.50 shipping).
BROWN, Ali (2008) Focus Not Fear: Training Insights from a Reactive Dog Class. Tanacacia Press, USA.
BOHNENKAMP, Gwen. (2010) Help! My Dog Has An Attitude. Perfect Paws Publishing, USA. Also available as e-book.
LANDSBERG, G, HUNTHAUSEN, W. and ACKERMAN, L. (2003) Handbook of Behaviour Problems of the Dog and Cat. Elsevier Saunders. With CD-ROM included.
BEHAN, Kevin (2009) Natural Dog Training: Working from a Dog's Point of View. NDT Press, USA.
BROWN, Ali (2009) Scaredy Dog! Understanding and Rehabilitating your Reactive Dog. Tanacacia Press, USA.
CANTRELL, Krista (2004) Catch Your Dog Doing Something Right: How to Train Any Dog in Five Minutes a Day. Lyons Press, reprint edition.
RUGAAS, Turid (2008) Barking: The Sound of a Language. Dogwise Publishing, USA. Also available as e-book.
YIN, Dr Sophia (2010) How to Behave So Your Dog Behaves. TFH Publications, USA.
SHUMANNFANG, Barbara (2006) Happy Kids, Happy Dogs: Building a Friendship Right from the Start. Top Notch Dog Books, USA.
WILDE, Nicole (2010) Don't Leave Me! Step by step help for your dog's separation anxiety. Phantom Publishing, USA.
DODMAN, N. (ed) with LINDNER, L. (2010) Good Old Dog: Expert Advice for Keeping your Aging Dog Happy, Healthy and Comfortable. Faculty of the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, USA.
BEAVER, Bonnie V. (2009) Canine Behaviour Insights and Answers. Saunders/Elsevier, USA.
RYAN, Terry. (2011) The Toolbox for Building a Great Family Dog. Dogwise Publishing, USA. Also available as e-book.
SCHOLZ, Martina and VON REINHARDT,Clarissa. (2007) Stress in Dogs. Learn how dogs show stress and what you can do to help. Dogwise Publishing, USA. Also available as e-book.
HOOVER, Lynn. (2010) Dog Quirks and Behaviour Solutions. Dog Quirks Publishing, USA.
MILLER, Pat. (2010) Do Over Dogs - Give Your Dog a Second Chance for a First Class Life. Dogwise Publishing, USA. Also available as e-book.
SEMYONOVA, Alexandra (2009) The 100 Silliest Things People Say About Dogs. Hastings Press, England. Also available as e-book.
BURCH, M.R. and BAILEY, J.S. (1999) How Dogs Learn. New York, Howell Book House, Wiley Publishing Inc. (See review at "Book Reviews"). Also available as e-book.
ALOFF, Brenda. (2007) Getting Connected With Your Dog: Emphasising the Relationship While Training Your Dog. With companion DVD containing over 90 minutes of real training. Dogwise Publishing, USA.

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