We've got an amazing opportunity for a volunteer to join us in 2024-2025.
This would suit someone who is already studying dog training and/or canine behaviour and needs to gain some real life, hands-on experience. If you haven't started studying yet but want start on the journey towards becoming a dog trainer, this opportunity might suit you, too.
We would expect a six-month commitment of two or three hours a week. In return we will give you one-to-one mentor time free of charge, support you in your studies, and give you the opportunity to really learn about dogs, their behaviour, training and welfare.
If you are interested, please e-mail with a few lines telling me a bit about yourself and what studies you are currently undertaking, or hope to start soon.
We have our unique own dedicated training centre just one minute from The Primrose Hill - the only one of its kind in London - provided for our sole use by Camden Council Community Safety. We run classes (puppy socialisation and life skills, Kennel Club Good Citizen Puppy Foundation, Bronze) and carry out one-to-ones. There are evening workshops on muzzle training, relax already, platform work, loose leash walking and more.
We do home visits and run workshops in and around Camden in parks and open spaces where dogs are permitted.
If you're serious about wanting to become a highly skilled, competent trainer - perhaps working towards a qualification in behaviour - get in touch with us. Email is best. We want to hear from you!
email: susan@thedoghub.co.uk
Serving the community since 2008
Canine Behaviour Consultant & Master Professional Dog Training Instructor
the.hub@btopenworld.com 07875 778 785 and 07435 158 651